Другие переводы слов
4 immunize.-->Mueller English-Russian Dictionary (24th Edition)-->immunize[ˈɪmju:naɪz] _v. иммунизировать (against) Scientists have not yet discovered a trustworthy method of immunizing people against the common cold, although they have been working on it for many years.-->English-Russian full dictionary-->immunize[ˈɪmju:naɪz] гл. иммунизировать (against)
4 immunized.-->Mueller English-Russian Dictionary (24th Edition)-->immunize[ˈɪmju:naɪz] _v. иммунизировать (against) Scientists have not yet discovered a trustworthy method of immunizing people against the common cold, although they have been working on it for many years.-->English-Russian full dictionary-->immunizedиммунизировать иммунизированный
4 immunizing.-->Mueller English-Russian Dictionary (24th Edition)-->immunize[ˈɪmju:naɪz] _v. иммунизировать (against) Scientists have not yet discovered a trustworthy method of immunizing people against the common cold, although they have been working on it for many years.-->English-Russian full dictionary-->immunizingиммунизировать см. также
3 immunodeficiency.-->English-Russian full dictionary-->immunodeficiencyмед. иммунная недостаточность(медицина) иммунная недостаточность-->Англо-русский Философский словарь-->immunodeficiencyimmunodeficiency 1> _мед. иммунная недостаточность-->Англо-русский
5 immunology.-->Большой англо-русский толковый словарь-->immunologyIMMUNOLOGY "ИММУНОЛОГИЯ"-->Mueller English-Russian Dictionary (24th Edition)-->immunology[ˌɪmju:ˈnɔlɔdʒɪ] _n. иммунология-->English-Russian full dictionary-->immunology[ˌɪmju:ˈnɔlɔdʒɪ] сущ.